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Game On

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By FCA Resources

March 17, 2013


"Show family affection to one another with brotherly love. Outdo one another in showing honor." –Romans 12:10


Rich and I are very competitive friends. We are like brothers in so many ways. We both love to serve and work hard at it. He is in the restaurant industry, and I am in sports ministry. We both serve on the Welcome Team at church and lead small groups. A common phrase when working together is “game on.” This basically means we will do all we can to serve others the best we can.

As servants of Christ, Rich and I both understand that we are to love others as brothers and sisters in Christ, holding them in the highest of regard. This truly becomes evident when we practice these habits with nonbelievers. When we strive to outdo each other in honoring others, this bond will hold any team together whatever problem arises.

God’s desire for us to delight in honoring each other is grounded in brotherly love. When we honor someone else, we give them high value and utmost respect. As believers we honor them because they are God’s creation. Because we are brothers and sisters in Christ, we can make an amazing contribution to His kingdom. Let’s get our game on with brotherly love and strive to do all we can in honoring those who God puts in our paths.


1. How do you show brotherly kindness?
2. Are you a person who shows honor?
3. Daily, how can you take hold of what is good and show God’s agape love to all?


Heavenly Father, help me show affection through brotherly love to my teammates, friends, and family. Teach me to honor them through my actions and words so that You may be glorified. Amen.