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Heaven’s Booster Club

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By P.J. Meduri

April 13, 2013


Therefore He is always able to save those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to intercede for them. — Hebrews 7:25


Coaches need support just as their teams do. As a result most schools have booster clubs made up of a wide range of people from parents to interested members of the community. Most of the time, club members work sacrificially to help make the school’s athletic programs more effective. Some, however, may become more of a thorn in a coach’s side through expressions of uninformed criticism.

God has provided a type of heavenly booster club for those who seek to follow Him. The good news is that all the boosters in this club seek to help us grow closer to God and walk faithfully with Him all our days. This club includes angels, which are sent to serve those who are going to inherit salvation (Heb 1:14). It includes the saints of old, whose lives provide a model to follow (Heb 11; 12:1). But the head of this booster club, the president, is the Lord Jesus.

Today’s verse reveals that Jesus intercedes for us with prayer. After paying the price for our sin debt, rising from the dead, and ascending into heaven, Jesus now sits in a place of authority, the Father’s right hand, and He prays. He prays for you and me as we seek to live each day in His will and for His glory. The Apostle Paul wrote, “He also is at the right hand of God and intercedes for us” (Rm 8:34c).

Human booster clubs will work only periodically, but you and I can be thankful that the president of heaven’s booster club never rests. Jesus’ ministry didn’t finish two thousand years ago; it continues moment by moment all the days of our lives as He prays for us to finish the race set before us.


1. How does Hebrews 7:25 tie in with Hebrews 13:5?
2. Are you faithful to pray for others in light of the fact that Jesus is interceding for you?
3. What encouragement can we derive from the truth that Jesus prays for us?


Extra Reading: John 17


Jesus, thank You for praying for me. Remind me of this truth as I go about each day. Amen.