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Pursue the Prize

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By FCA Resources

July 02, 2013


I pursue as my goal the prize promised by God’s heavenly call in Christ Jesus.–Philippians 3:14


All teams have one thing in common: They pursue goals. Some might pursue a state or national championship; others strive to win a single game. Athletes compete and complete their set goals through hard work and relentless pursuit.

The Apostle Paul understood this concept. He wrote the Letter to the Philippians while stuck in a dark, smelly, dingy prison handcuffed to a guard. Many in his situation would have given up. While under arrest, Paul kept thenfaith and pursued his heavenly goals. The longing for Christ and the desire to spend eternity with Him gave Paul hope each day to strive ahead. Paul’s pursuit was not an easy task. He suffered many setbacks, but it never stopped him from pressing on toward the prize awaiting him.

What stands in the way of our pursuits? What obstacles have we overcome? Whatever our circumstance in life is, Paul’s encouragement to pursue Christ gives us hope that we can endure. Paul had it tough, but God gave him strength and will do the same for us. Jesus Christ is standing ready to help us reach our prize—a relationship with Him. This relationship can start today and continue until God calls us home to heaven. If you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, start one today. We must do all we can to ensure our pursuits are kingdom-focused and heaven-bound.


1. What are you pursuing on a daily basis?
2. Is Jesus Christ and a relationship with Him your highest goal?


Psalm 63:1; Luke 9:23; Philippians 1:21


Lord, help me learn from Paul’s example of what it means to endure through trials and struggles. May I long for You in the midst of trials. Give me strength and clarity as I set and pursue goals. Help me be more focused on eternal goals than what this world has to offer. Thank You for dying for my sin and never leaving or forsaking me. Amen.