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Cold Feet

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By Michael Hill

July 17, 2013

"Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be known to God." –Philippians 4:6

How many times, as athletes or coaches, have we been nervous before a big game? Maybe we were getting ready to play the big school rivalry game. Maybe it was a playoff game. Maybe a boyfriend or girlfriend was in the stands. Maybe we just get nervous in front of big crowds. We all handle these situations differently. Some of us get sick to our stomachs. Some cannot stop talking or moving around. Others come across as unfazed. These athletes seem to know the secret to remaining calm under pressure.

God not only tells us how to remain calm, in Philippians He gives us a command. We are not to be anxious about anything. If we worry about what is about to happen, we are going against His direct command. Worrying shows a lack of confidence in God’s sovereignty. If that were not enough, He tells us what to do when we do get a little nervous: pray and talk to Him. In the pressure of the big game, or in any life situation that makes us anxious, we need to pray to the Father who has everything under control.

  1. What do you do when you are nervous or anxious in your sport?
  2. What are three practical things you can do to remind yourself of the promises of God when you are nervous?

Matthew 6:25-34; Luke 12:22


Lord, You alone are in control. Your Word tells me to be anxious about nothing. Help me lay my worries and burdens at the cross each day. I trust You completely and know that You desire what is best for me. Thank You for always being there for me. Amen.

About the Author:

Michael Hill is a former FCA staff member and head coach. He lives and teaches in Haysville, Kan. In his career, Michael has been blessed to coach college and high school football and spend years as a high school cross country coach.