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God Doesn’t Fumble

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By Rex Stump

November 01, 2013


“I will be with you, just as I was with Moses. I will not leave you or forsake you.”–Joshua 1:5b


Coaches work hard in preparing their players to do their best and avoid mistakes. One of the biggest mistakes in football is dropping the ball. Typically the team that fumbles the most in a game will lose.

Recently I experienced a back problem that caused me to be in bed for days. A little voice crept in and said, “Why, God? Where are You?” My brother has been diagnosed with cancer. A friend of mine recently lost his sister to cancer. That little voice crept in and said, “Why, God? Where are You?”

I find myself sinning again and that little voice of doubt creeps in, “God doesn’t like sin-you are separated from Him.”

God reminded Joshua that He is faithful and will never fail or abandon him. The word abandon also means to drop or let loose. God promised Joshua that He would never drop, fumble, or abandon him. That same promise applies to us. There are times we may feel alone and wonder “why?” We question if God has abandoned us. We may sin and feel God can’t forgive us. The truth is that God will not abandon us or drop us. God doesn’t fumble. God is with us, holding us tight against Him, not allowing us to be fumbled or dropped. He is our faithful God!


1. How many times in life have we felt like we dropped the ball and made a mistake?
2. How many times have we felt like we are the ball and God has dropped us?
3. What can you do to remember that God is faithful?


Deuteronomy 7:17-18; 1 Samuel 12:21-23; 2 Corinthians 4:9


Heavenly Father, thank You for being a faithful God who loves me and promises to never fail or abandon me. Forgive me for those times I have doubted Your presence. Today I choose to walk in victory, knowing that You are with me! Amen.