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Bought at a Price

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By ftball20

April 02, 2014


"you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies." - 1 Corinthians 6:20


Many times as athletes we get caught up in the competition and forget the reason as to why we are actually competing. Many of the role models today are looked up too because they are full of pride and want to exalt themselves. However, God calls us to a higher standard and demands that we exalt Him and humble ourselves. Just as talked about in John 3:30, “He must become greater; I must become less.”

While Jesus was on earth, He was full of compassion and love, and He focused on serving God according to His will. Jesus was able to overcome all of the temptations that this world has to offer because He knew that nothing on earth is even worth comparing to eternity with God. Because of His amazing love for us (even though we don't deserve it), Jesus served instead of being served and He honored God with his body by dying on the cross for OUR sins. We were not free to Him; we were bought at a price!

This verse applies to us as athletes because when were out there grindin and were covered with blood, sweat, and tears and were caught up in the heat of the moment, we must never forget the real reason we are competing. It is so easy to abide by earth's standards and bring attention upon ourselves, but we must honor God with our bodies, just as Jesus did. Never forget, you were bought at a price! Devote your life to Jesus and make him proud and it will be totally worth in the end.


1. How can we stay focused on praising Jesus and not ourselves?
2. Do you truly know how much God loves you?


John 3:30
Isaiah 40:31
Matthew 6:19-21