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  • Knock, Knock

    February 05, 2012


    Many athletes get distracted easily. The crowd, the faces and the noise all are factors that distract the athlete today. Even small gyms with just a few people in the stands can produce a loud noise. This can present a problem for a team, especially the coach. The coach needs the attention of his team at all times to work the game plan. One mark of a great player is his or her ability to hear the voice of the coach. Staying tuned in to the bench during a contest is essential for success. Players who have the ability to eliminate distractions and hear their coaches' voice will more than likely come out on top in the end.

  • The Value of Encouragement

    February 04, 2012


    Anyone who has been either a player or a coach knows the value of encouragement, yet all too often we are quick to point out the mistakes and failures of others rather than their successes and the things they do well. Barnabas, whose name means “Son of Encouragement,” was a person who grasped the enormous value of blessing others with words. He came alongside believers in the midst of trials and troubles of all kinds, and he encouraged them to press on and to be all that God had called them to be.

  • Encouraging the Opposition

    February 03, 2012


    As a University of Kansas Jayhawk, it’s hard for me to admit this. But this morning I was totally proud of Missouri men’s basketball coach Frank Haith. With the big KU-MU rivalry game coming up this weekend, there’s a lot of trash-talking going on between the schools, and in one of the most brutal rivalries in the country, it can get pretty nasty.

    With the game being hosted at Missouri, Coach Haith issued a charge to the Mizzou fans to, instead of jeering KU, focus on cheering FOR Mizzou. In essence, don’t worry about trashing the opponent; concentrate on cheering for and supporting your home team. Now that was a classy move.

  • 4th Quarter

    February 03, 2012


    I was raised a coach’s son and have coached football for 16 years at the college and high school levels. In that time, I’ve learned that both levels have had one thing in common. I’m not talking about blocking and tackling, but the time between the third and fourth quarters. When everyone in the stadium holds up four fingers representing that their team is going to close the game out by winning the fourth quarter.

  • Greatest Coach Ever

    February 03, 2012


    Tomorrow, June 26, 2010, thousands will gather at a memorial service to honor the life of legendary coach John Wooden who passed from this life to the next earlier this month. Coach Wooden lived 99 full years. He lived well, died well and understood his eternal fate. He once said, “There is only one kind of life that truly wins, and that is the one that places faith in the hands of the Savior.”

  • Handling Defeat

    February 02, 2012


    As athletes, most of us have experienced victory on the playing field, in the gym, on the road, etc., whether on a team or as an individual. Although we may not remember all the victories, we can probably recall how we felt during that time of victory. It was overwhelmingly satisfying, wasn’t it?

    As athletes, most of us have also experienced defeat—maybe even more than victory. And just as we can remember the feelings of triumph, we also remember those of loss—the sadness, disappointment and remorse. Just plain defeated.

  • Discernment

    February 01, 2012


    This was the prayer of King Solomon as he was about to take office. Rather than ask for riches or power, he asked for wisdom and understanding. Solomon knew that the key characteristic for an effective leader was wisdom to make good decisions. His decisions often concerned life or death situations. Our decisions are more often about whether to pass or run, a fastball or curveball, inside or outside, man to man or zone.

    Solomon also desired an understanding heart to judge the people. Solomon knew, and the best coaches know, that leadership is all about people, not systems. Coaches will be at their best when they are in tune with their players’ hearts.

  • God Sighting

    January 31, 2012


    When I read the story of Moses, most of the time I think to myself, “Why are these Israelites so whiny and doubting toward God? I mean, come on! He brings plagues; He parts the Red Sea; He feeds them for 40 years…What is their problem?" Almost every time I read a new verse, I see God doing something miraculous for them that causes them to believe again for about a millisecond before they turn away again.

  • Sitting on the Sidelines

    January 30, 2012


    What does it mean to be sitting on the sidelines? It means we’re not in the game. In sports, there’s a limited amount of athletes who can be in a game at one time, and there are many reasons why certain ones have to sit out: they are injured, they aren’t starters, they’re lower on the depth chart, they don’t quite have the skills, or they’re just fans.

    But what about those times when we are healthy, skilled and highly capable enough to be in the game, but we still choose not to go in? This is rare, but it does happen. Maybe we’re afraid, not comfortable with a situation, or that we’re losing and don’t want to be blamed for it.

  • Attitudes

    January 28, 2012


    Ken Keys, Jr. once said, “A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world. Everyone you meet is your mirror.”

    Well, that’s a sobering thought! When I am in a group with bad attitudes and negative thought, I am only seeing my reflection? Then I had better get some better skin care! I guess that’s called a change of attitude.

    You know, attitudes are catching. As a coach or teacher, we should always be sure to set a good attitude for our teams to catch. We should develop a habit of looking for the good in everyone.

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