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  • Refined by Fire

    September 08, 2008


    When I was a youngster, I used to play basketball with my older brother and his buddies. They were high school seniors when I was in fifth grade. Many times I was simply the kid that evened up the teams—an extra body.

    Because I played with older guys, the trials I went through on the court were tough, and I often got discouraged. Eventually, however, I was able to handle the ball well enough to hold my own, and I developed enough game that, when I was left open, I could knock a shot down. When I went to play “bitty ball” at school against guys my own age, the game seemed much easier and I enjoyed success. Looking back, I realize that the experiences with the older players helped improve my basketball skills.

  • Identity and Injury

    August 18, 2008


    This weekend, the world’s greatest female distance runners took to the streets of Beijing to compete in the Olympic women’s marathon. U.S. representative and 2004 bronze medalist Deena Kastor was among the group and was expected to finish among the leaders of the race. However, just a few steps into mile 3, Kastor felt a “pop” in her foot, and she sank to the curb. She’d broken her foot, and her Olympic race was over.

    Think for a minute about her situation. She’d trained hard for years, she had the expectations of her country on her shoulders, she had personal ambitions to do well, and she only had one shot. But injuries were out of her control, and she will now have to mentally deal with what happened.

  • No Pressure

    August 08, 2008


    Over the past several months, the U.S. has become endeared to its new distance running hero, 25-year-old phenom Ryan Hall. Ever since he smoked the elite competition at the U.S. Olympic Men’s Marathon Trials in New York last November and set a new Trials record in only his second marathon ever, the running community has pinned its hopes and expectations on Hall, predicting without hesitation that he will medal this year in Beijing.

    No pressure, or anything.

  • Get Focused!

    August 01, 2008


    When I was 9 years old, I got a new pair of shoes and immediately wanted to race everyone in my neighborhood because I thought they would help me run faster. On one particular day, I dusted everyone who dared to step to the starting line, except one person . . . my own mother! “On your marks…Get set…Go!” I ran as fast as I could, and I even had a small lead. But when I decided to turn back and smile at my friends, my mom blew right past me! Can you imagine how embarrassed I was to get beat in a foot race by my own mom? That was also the day I found out Mom had run track in college at the University of the Pacific. (I joke that she should’ve been disqualified for having an unfair advantage!)

  • What is my end, that I should endure?

    June 24, 2008


    Tiger Woods hobbled his way to his 14th major championship at the 2008 U.S. Open with a playoff win over Rocco Mediate. "It was a long week—a lot of doubt, a lot of questions going into the week—and here we are, 91 holes later," he said. Two days after the tournament it was discovered that Woods had a torn ACL and a double stress fracture in his tibia. His season was over.

  • Staying in the Draft

    June 23, 2008


    In cycling, riders will follow closely behind the cyclist in front of them to decrease the effects of wind resistance. This is called drafting. Drafting allows for faster speeds at an easier effort level. When drafting, you fix your eyes on the back tire of the cyclist in front of you. This requires you to have a great deal of trust in the rider in front of you to pick a straight line, keep a steady pace and to point out pot holes and debris on the street.

  • The Great Commission

    June 05, 2008


    As athletes, coaches, and sports fans, how often do we strike up conversations about our favorite teams or sports? If you’re like me, I could talk for hours about my passion for endurance sports or even my love for the Atlanta Braves. But how often does the Lord creep into those same conversations with friends, coworkers, teammates and family members? The truth is that many of us like to stay in our little boxes and only speak about the Lord on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. I have to remind myself that the “Great Commission,” given by Jesus Himself, didn’t give any timetable or day of the week.

  • Fed Up

    June 04, 2008

    In the 2007 season, there has been a lot of attention on the Chicago Cubs, but not the kind they were hoping for after spending $300 million in the off season to improve the team. In a frustrating string of games, the Cubs lost six straight, saw two of its players in a fist fight that sent one to the hospital, and had a dirt-kicking tirade by manager Lou Piniella, which led to an ejection and indefinite suspension. After his ejection, Piniella said, "I'm fed up with some of the play we've had on the field."
    I applaud Lou Piniella's unwillingness to accept mediocre baseball from his club, but his methods are not what I would deem appropriate. The point, however, is that he will not accept anything but their best.

  • Self-Fulfillment

    June 04, 2008


    Last summer, as I sat in Yosemite Valley looking up at the famous El Capitan rock formation, I realized that I needed to come to grips with some things that I did not like about myself. I took out a piece of paper, and on it, I made three columns. At the top I wrote “Who am I,” “What do I want to change,” and “How am I going to get there.” As I started to write, I found if difficult to be honest with myself. But after I was done, I realized two vital things: (1) Nothing could happen without Christ, and (2) my days of self-fulfillment needed to end.

  • Staying on the Right Path

    June 03, 2008


    The other day I decided to go on a new mountain bike trail. I began riding in the shade of the mountain and the trees until I came to a split in the road. On the left there was a trail called Creek Mouth and on the right was Sugar Island. I’d originally planned just to ride Sugar Island, but I looked on the map to see where Creek Mouth would put me out at. Unfortunately, it wasn't on the map. Still, the name sounded interesting and I knew I had to ride it.

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