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  • On the Verge of Something Regrettable

    August 24, 2006

    Toronto Blue Jays pitcher Ted Lilly had nearly blown an 8-run lead by giving up seven runs in the 3rd inning of their August 21, 2006, game against the Oakland A's. A's manager John Gibbons walked to the mound to remove Lilly from the game, a confrontation ensued, and the pitcher refused to give up the ball. He finally did, but the argument continued in the tunnel of the dugout where there were reports of a scuffle. "We were on the verge of something regrettable happening," Lilly said.

  • Winning the Battle of Life

    August 23, 2006

    As athletes we really don't like losing, do we? And we love winning. We always strive for a winning season or perfect record, no matter what it may take: pain, blood, sweat and maybe even tears.
    This is sort of like life. There will be winners and there will be losers. But as Christians who stand up for God and are saved through the shed blood of Jesus Christ we will end up having the overall victory. We will defeat Satan and all his demons and live eternally in heaven.

  • Humility

    August 21, 2006

    This is quite possibly my favorite time of year for sports. The baseball season is heading toward its peak, the football season is beginning anew, basketball is on the horizon, and my favorite, high school cross country, is taking off, as well.
    My family has been looking forward to this cross country season with much excitement and anticipation. This is the year our two sons, Joel and James, get to run on the same team. (Joel is a senior, and James is a freshman.) So far, Joel has had considerable success in his high school career having qualified for the state meets in both cross country and track a total of five times.

  • Perseverence

    August 17, 2006

    As an athlete how many times have you wanted to quit, or just stop and give up? I know as a cross country runner there are times when it's just too hot, and I don't want to run, so I stop and walk, even though I know it will only put me at a disadvantage later. It's just so tempting when that person who's usually behind you passes you, or someone in front of you starts walking. It's times like these when we need something many of us lack: perseverance and endurance.

  • Be Like the Best

    August 11, 2006

    As a child, many of us had one athlete we always loved to watch. Whether it was football, basketball, soccer, baseball or something else, there was one person we would watch closely in order to go out later and try to copy their moves or plays. For me, personally, it was and still is Steve Nash. This under-sized point guard always seems to make the pass that somehow gets through the three defenders in front of him. As I walked out onto the court the other day, I tried to imitate his shot and put myself in the mindset of someone who was a professional.

  • Good Enough

    August 03, 2006

    I was flipping through the channels on my TV the other day and came across a softball game that was in the top of the final inning. The visiting team was down 3-4 with runners on 1st and 2nd and a full count to the batter. The pitch. . . The batter hit a line drive past the shortstop, and then as the left fielder charged the ball to make the throw to home, she picked up her glove too soon and the ball rolled underneath allowing both base runners to score. That put the visiting team up 5-4--a score by which they would win. After the game, the announcers were talking about the winning pitcher, saying, "She didn't pitch great, but she pitched good enough."

  • Verticality

    August 02, 2006

    In basketball, each player has a cylindrical vertical space on the court. This means that when they jump for a rebound, the vertical space of their body is their's as long as they jump straight up. If an opponent enters this space and makes contact with them, an official can call a foul. Conversely, if they leave their vertical space and make contact with an opponent, they can be called for a foul.

  • Where's your head?

    August 01, 2006

    Time for some calisthenics. Stand up. (Seriously, get out of your chair!). Tuck your chin to your chest and jump as high as you can, keeping your chin there. Now, lift your head up, pick a point on a wall or something a couple feet above your head and jump again.

  • God's Playbook

    July 24, 2006

    Most sports have a playbook or a set of rules to follow for their program. This book tells how things will be done on and off the field for success in the system. As a player, if you follow these guidelines, you should have success in the system. I recently heard one coach refert to his playbook as his "bible." Obviously, he highly values the book.
    As we read through Psalm 119, we find many verses that reference God's Word. The author of the Psalms repeated over and over that God's Word guided him. He understood that God's Word was the only playbook he could follow that could give him true, absolute direction for his life.

  • Who's Yours?

    July 21, 2006

    Summer is flying by so fast! This revelation hit my oldest son the other day when he realized that he hadn't spent much time with his father in the past few months. So, I took him to lunch. He was full of information and wanted to tell me everything at once. During the conversation, however, he got quiet and thoughtful for a second and his normal sports questions stopped. "Daddy," he asked, "who is your role model?" I didn't have to think long. That was an easy one.

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