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  • Driven

    June 10, 2013


    When it comes to excellence, I first have to look at everything through God’s eyes. I look at who Jesus was as the ultimate example of excellence, service, and humility, and all of those values. I look at Him, and I obviously fall short in each of those in comparison to Him. His example is the pure definition of excellence. It all starts with Jesus and looking at Him and His life. You look at the Christian faith and who we are as people, and we all fall short of Christ’s example. But that doesn’t mean we should stop striving for excellence. I think when we give up on that, we sort of miss the whole concept that Jesus teaches us.

  • Stand

    June 09, 2013


    You may be familiar with the story of James J. Braddock, which was told in the film Cinderella Man. Braddock was a former successful boxer who lost everything he had in the Great Depression. He couldn’t get work (much less a fight), couldn’t pay his bills, and was running the risk of losing his children.

  • Not In My House

    June 08, 2013


    One of the earliest lessons I learned in competition was that no one came to our home field and defeated our team in front of our family and friends. It was always motivating to deny the visiting team victory on our turf. There’s something special about being the home team. Teams now have slogans like “Not in our house!” and “Not in our backyard!” There is a responsibility to secure and protect home-field advantage.

  • Game Day

    June 07, 2013


    Take a deep breath … Can you smell it? The air puts a special swagger in your step … Can you feel it? Today is not any other day. It is GAME DAY! Game day is a special day. Thoughts and feelings rush through your mind as you wait for the game to arrive. I can still feel, hear and see the home crowd at our season opener in basketball as if it was just yesterday. The songs played by the band, the smell of popcorn in the air, the sounds of people moving around, anxiously awaiting for what this year's team will give the crowd. Every player and coach works for one thing: game day. Game day is about preparation mentally and physically for the battle ahead. Game day is here now. Let the game begin!

  • Forgiven

    June 06, 2013


    Baseball is often a game of controlled failure. Failing 7 out of 10 times can be considered a success. Unfortunately, this isn’t the same in our relationships.

    In a large local tournament, one of our top players chose to play with a stronger team—a choice he was allowed to make. I was glad for him because he made a decision and stuck with it. Some families were offended because they felt we could win the tournament if we had him with us.

  • Waiting

    June 05, 2013


    Waiting is one tough job! In sports, players and teams are waiting . . . waiting patiently for their time to shine. In God’s Word, Isaiah wrote in chapter 40 that waiting is a good thing. The word “wait” does not measure time spent, but is rather a process of strengthening until fulfillment. Let me suggest three reasons why we must wait on the Lord: (1) waiting creates time during which we can trust God more (Psalm 27); (2) waiting prepares us to have our real needs met (Psalm 40); and (3) waiting encourages us to always be prepared for Christ’s return (Matthew 24).

  • One Word That Will Change Your Team

    June 04, 2013


    What if there was one thing would improve your team in incredible ways? What if One Word could mean the difference between failure and victory? It’s time to focus and motivate your team with just One Word.

    At the beginning of every season, thousands of coaches, athletes and teams gather to discuss their goals. Goals and plans are passionately shared and written down with anticipation and excitement. It’s an experience filled with energy, hope and optimism.

  • Get Your Praise On

    June 03, 2013


    Immediately after Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt obliterated the 200-meter dash world record at the Beijing Olympics, he wrapped himself in his country’s flag, ran to the camera, and boldly proclaimed, “I’m number one! I’m number one!” Not only did he win the gold in the 200-meter dash, but in the 100-meter as well. Both were done in world-record times—a feat never before accomplished! But while other winning athletes graciously addressed their fellow competitors, Bolt beat his chest proclaiming his dominance. The International Olympic Committee President commented, “I think he should show more respect for his competitors and shake hands.” What a novel idea!

  • Practice Hard

    June 02, 2013


    Very few people love to practice. To most, it is just a means to an end. Only if we practice will the coach allow us to play in games. Even if we loathe it, practice is irreplaceable as the best way to improve skills. Athletes at every level must train. In fact, professionals only get where they are through hard work. How hard we work in practice may predict our game-time performance.

  • Know Your Opponent

    June 01, 2013


    How would you like to show up for your baseball game this summer, thinking you were playing the 9th grade team from across the county, and when you get to the game you realize you are facing CC Sabathia and the New York Yankees? I imagine that would be pretty tough. It always pays to know your opponent. However, our earthly opponent does not play fair.

    God’s Word tells us about our opponent in life: the prince of darkness—Satan. In 1 Peter, he is described as a roaring lion seeking to devour. Ephesians tells us we are in a spiritual battle for our lives. Today’s verse teaches us we are not to be conquered by evil, and that we need to fight. Too many people try to fight through their own power and strength. To put it into perspective: Satan=evil and God=good.

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