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Passion - Chapel

Ambitious - Chapel

Chapel – Ambitious
1 – Introduction – Think about the goals toward which you are ambitious.
• Team goals – post-season play / playoffs
• A conference championship
• All-conference awards (Academic also)
• All-American awards (Academic also)
• Simply another win, today.
• This is good ambition. It’s not selfish and it benefits everyone associated with the team.
• I see similar altruistic ambition in a man named Caleb in the Bible.

- Who has shown you loyalty during your career in sport? Tell us about it.
- How do people express loyalty at various levels of sport?
- Let’s read about a remarkable expression of loyalty in Ruth 1:15-18.
- How did Ruth demonstrate loyalty to her mother-in-law, Naomi?
- From what you read, what are the limits of Ruth’s loyalty?
- Do you find such loyalty among your teammates and coaches? What factors contribute to that situation?
- What have we learned today that could build loyalty on our team?

- What does it cost you to be a competitive athlete?
- What do you regularly sacrifice to compete in your sport?
- What sacrifices have you seen others make to achieve highly in their sport?
- Let’s read about someone who made a very important sacrifice. Let’s read Luke 23:32-46.
- What was it that Jesus sacrificed in this story? Why would He do that?
- Why do you make the sacrifices that you do?
- For what and for whom will you make sacrifices today and in the coming days?
Perseverance - Chapel

- Let’s take a look back at our season so far.
- We’ve competed at …(tough opponent)
- We’ve endured a… (hard situation)
- We’ve won a hard fought battle with ….
Unified - Chapel

1 – Introduction – If we will compete in a unified way today, we will do very well.
2 – Take encouragement from this story in Genesis chapter 11. Read the text – Genesis 11:1-8.
Suffering and Success

1 – This is the sort of situation a competitor dreams about.
- We’re playing for a championship.
- All the events of this season and our combined character have lead us to this day.
2 – Suffering and success – they go together.
Playoffs - Chapel

1 – On this day we begin this team’s third season.
- Non-conference season
- Conference season
- Playoffs
2 – Suddenly at game time today, the rest of the season doesn’t count.
- All the teams in the playoffs stand the same.
- The last team in has the same opportunity as the first seed.
- Everyone is at 0 and 0.
- All ___ teams are focused on a __ game run to the championship.
3 – I see a similar idea at Philippians 3:12b-14.

- How important is teamwork to your success in sport?
- Who has been a great teammate to you?
- What were the most important factors in such teamwork?
- Let’s read a story that illustrates teamwork from Luke 9:10-17.
- Where do you see teamwork happening in this story?
- What was Jesus’ role in the team effort?
- What can we learn from how He promoted teamwork with his disciples?
- Be mindful of your teammates in all situations.
- Promote teamwork in every facet of your sport.
- Be a great teammate.
Adversity - Chapel

Chapel – Adversity
1 – The events of these last days are those which try men’s souls.
• Disappointment
• Failure
• Loss
• Illness
• Injury
2 – How we deal with adversity is a strong indicator of our character.
• Will we bounce back or will we wilt?
• Will we encourage or will we criticize?
• Will we accept responsibility or will we shift blame?
Heart for Teammates - Chapel

Chapel – Heart for Teammates
1 – To have the Heart of a Champion one must have:
• A heart for competition
• A heart for training
• A heart for teammates
2 – Today we will talk about having a heart for teammates.
3 – John 15:12-13 (read the text)
• Jesus’ command was for these men to love each other. They did it.
• Jesus defined the greatest kind of love – to give one’s life for his friends.
o He did that literally. He died for them and for us.
Servant Leadership - Chapel

1 – Today’s competition will require a tremendous amount of leadership for us to be victorious. It will require a unique type of leadership.
2 – This kind of leadership is best described in Mark 10:42-45 (read the text aloud).
Keys to Success - Chapel

Success in Football
• Name the two most important things in order to succeed in football as a player or team. (Impossible to answer, use as icebreaker with team….
• What are do you as a team want to succeed in this year? I will use this time for captains to cover major goals –
o (7 shutouts, no region losses, region champions, state playoffs etc.. Should be specific for your team..)
• As team I remind them of the quote “if you don’t know where you are going you will likely end up somewhere else – (John Maxwell)
Vince Lombardi – The only place success comes before hard work is in the dictionary
Strength and Courage - Chapel

1 – Today’s contest will require strength and courage for us to finish the day with a victory.
2 – Strength and courage are character qualities required for all of life and especially for competition.
- Joshua 1:9 (read the text aloud).
3 – Be strong
- Strong of mind (focus well and tune out crowd noise)
- Strong of body (prepare to finish the contest strongly)
- Strong of soul (to deal well with momentum swings)
4 – Be courageous
Vision - Chapel

1 – Your coaching staff and your senior leaders have a vision for your team. To be champions is a vision worth believing in and pursuing.
2 – Habakkuk 2:2-3 (read the text)
Comparisons - Chapel

Chapel – Comparisons
1 – Do you watch web sites for the weekly team power rankings?
• Do you pay attention to the state or national rankings of teams in our sport?
• Do you read the paper to see who beat whom?
• Do you make comparisons between teams and players?
• Sometimes, such comparisons could be misleading and lead you to a poor performance and with it a disappointing loss.
Hard Work

- How important is your work ethic to your performance as a competitor?
- Who is to you an example of a strong work ethic? How is it seen in his/her approach to sport?
- Let’s read a couple of simple Proverbs that speak of work ethic. Proverbs 10:4, 12:24, 14:23, 22:29.
- Which one of these best illustrates your thoughts about hard work?
- Why would this be such an important factor for success in competition?
- How do we lead others to build a stronger work ethic for their sport?
Prayer - Chapel

1 – Many people misunderstand our purpose in conducting a chapel for our team.
- Some think that if we pray it will result in a win.
- Some think that if we go to chapel we are more likely to win.
- Some think that if we pray we get God on our side.
- So what’s the point?
- Does God even care about who wins today?
2 – Joshua 5:13-15 sheds some light on such questions (read the text aloud).
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