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Integrated or Compartmentalized?
No Compromise
My friend’s coaching staff had disintegrated, several key players had left the program and still others had been actively seeking her dismissal. All these factors led to great frustration and more than a little discouragement.
The Two Best Things
Are you busy? I bet you are! Games, practices, work, meetings and other important things consume our days. We get so busy we sometimes forget what is truly essential. Recently I have been reminded that there are two things I have been neglecting or forgetting to do for my family. And while I can build a great plan to succeed in life, if I'm not leading and caring for my family, emptiness will surely follow.
A Guaranteed Victory
If you have struggled with your health for a long time, it may be time for a house cleaning!
Lasting Legacies (Excellence - Chapter 7)
Depending on to whom you’re talking at the time, conversations about the King will likely invoke numerous topics. When it comes to rock and roll, there’s no doubt that immortalized crooner Elvis Presley fits the bill. Then you have the King of Pop, a nickname commonly given to iconic entertainer Michael Jackson.
History has also provided us with numerous real-life kings, including such notable biblical leaders as King David and King Solomon and such well-known English rulers as King James I (known for his commissioning of the King James Version of the Bible) and King Henry VIII (infamously known for his many wives).
But within the world of sports, only one image comes to mind when that nickname is uttered: NASCAR legend Richard Petty.
Read to Succeed
I remember playing football on the playground as an 8 year old. When I was quarterback, I only had one play—the “Hail Mary.” I would tell everyone, “Go long!” My friends would try to tell me they were open short, but I wouldn’t hear them. I wanted to go long on every play. Of course, going long back then was about 10 yards, maybe 15 if you had a good arm like mine. I would drop back to pass, fling the football as far as I could, and hope one of my teammates would come down with it. I thought any play that didn’t result in a touchdown was a failure. I didn’t care about field position or time of possession; I just wanted to score as fast as possible. Obviously, that wasn’t the best strategy for success.
Back 2 School - Kids & Lunch - Eat This!
What you pack for lunch builds performance and lifelong habits!
Dad, Maybe You Will Win Next Time!
“Dad, maybe you will win next time.” These words have been spoken to me a few times from my kids after a tough loss, usually followed by a big hug. At five and seven years of age, they really don’t care if I win or lose. They just want a hug, and most of the time I need it more than they do. In coaching football, wrestling, and track, there is always a game or two each year that doesn’t turn out according to plan. And these words from my kids always seem to help the healing begin and it also puts “the game” in perspective. Wins and losses that matter to us coaches don’t really matter to our children. They are still trying to figure out the real game, “life.” They love us, no matter what, with unconditional love.
Jesus Didn't Tap
I must admit that one of my guilty pleasures is to watch MMa (mixed martial arts) fights, particularly fights in the UFC. Mixed Martial Arts is a hodge podge of wrestling, boxing, taekwondo, jui jitsu, and other fighting styles thrown into an 8-sided cage. Fighters battle for 15 minutes (25 minutes for championship bouts) until someone is knocked out, the referee stops the action, or a fighter “taps out”. The act of “tapping out” tells your opponent, the referee, and the millions watching on pay-per-view that you gave up because you are feeling immense pain brought on by your opponent.
Same Old, Same Old
I had to laugh when I realized what I did. Thankfully nobody was around to see my boneheaded move. As a frequent traveler, I am in out of airports and hotels all the time, which means I’m also in and out of a ton of different restrooms. I began to run out of patience as I kept waving my hands back and forth to trigger the motion detector that should have turned on the water. After about 30 seconds of this, I thought the sink was broken. When I started to move to the next sink, though, I noticed a strange looking thing called a handle on top of the faucet. I was busted. With a simple turn of the handle, I had my water.
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