Major League Baseball teams have games every Sunday from April through September. For those of you flipping through a calendar, that’s 26-straight Sundays spent on the diamond. With that kind of weekend schedule, Christian athletes often find it difficult to attend church services and stay involved with in a local body of believers.
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Where are the Leaders?
I have noticed an alarming trend in sports over the last several years. The leaders have disappeared. I see it when watching both high school and college teams. Many of the teams with which I’m familiar seem leaderless, and their coaches are pulling their hair out.
For decades the world of sports has been an incubator for leadership skills, and both players and coaches have used it for training and development. That seemed rather natural for a long time, but no more. No longer do the strongest competitors and most powerful personalities become a team’s leaders. Too often they simply blend into the background and defer leadership to the coaching staff.
Put On Your Armor!
Under Armour sports performance apparel has become one of the hottest brands in sports. The company has “engineered” apparel for athletes to protect them from the cold, the heat and the turf. They even offer performance underwear! Athletes from the NFL to NASCAR—and even members of the military—wear Under Armour gear in order to protect themselves from the elements and to enhance performance. I have to admit that I rarely train without it! And my boys even wear it under their football, baseball and lacrosse equipment.
Personal Devotion
David believed in both personal and corporate worship, and therefore his public life reflected his private life. In fact, David’s love for God affected the worship of an entire nation. We read in 1 Chronicles 16 how the nation of Israel brought the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem, and as a result, David called upon key worship leaders to sing and make music to the Lord. “On that day David decreed for the first time that thanks be given to the LORD by Asaph and his relaives” (1 Ch 16:7). Given that David was a musician and songwriter and Asaph was a worship leader, the psalm in 1 Chronicles 16 is filled with praise and thanksgiving. It was set to music and sung before the people.
Worth the Wait
He knew it could be his day. He had been there before, but today would be different. Phil Mickelson finally landed his first major tour victory after 46 attempts. Draining an 18-foot putt on the final hole of the tournament could not have made it any sweeter. He had waited for a long time for this victory, and it was worth the wait.
Staff Attitudes
Wisdom for a Young Head Coach
Week 5
I Timothy 2:8-15
Read the text aloud.
Discussion Questions:
Fit 4 Ever: Body Fat vs. Body Weight
Our culture is consumed with how much people weigh. In fact, the topic of losing weight shows up on magazine covers, newspaper articles and even in network television shows such as "The Biggest Loser." It’s amazing just how much power the number on the scale has to ruin a day!
No Change
Just before the start of the 2004 baseball spring training, St. Louis Cardinals' slugger Albert Pujols signed a seven-year, $100 million contract with the team. After hitting like no other major league ballplayer in history in his first three seasons, the Cardinals wanted to make sure he remained in St. Louis for many years to come. Pujols assured them that, "The money … won't change the way I play baseball."
There are many times in life when outside influences tempt us to compromise our character. Things like money, power and fame even in little doses can bring about greed, immorality and pride in our lives that puts distance between us and God.
Team - Plan
- Secure day, time, and location of team bible study.
- Recruit a bible study leader or facilitator.
- Develop a bible study plan with timeline and specific lessons outlined.
- Organize a weekly study agenda.
- Plan an initial study that introduces FCA, explains what the study is about and the importance of commitment and confidentiality.
Championship Fathering
Carey Casey wants to start a revolution. He travels around the country, rallying and recruiting men to join him and asking them to enlist for the cause. His goal: an army of 6.5 million.
Not to be confused with any militant operation, Casey's is more of an intimate and personal quest: changing the world one championship father at a time.
#14 - StVRP - Tommy Bowden, Irving Fryar and Jim Ryun
Guests include Clemson football coach Tommy Bowden, former NFL star Irving Fryar, American distance running great Jim Ryun and FCA’s President Les Steckel
The Waterboy
Last summer at FCA Captain’s Camp, high school athletes were pushed to their mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual limits. Thankfully, my job was simple – I was the “Waterboy”. When I was a high school athlete, waterboys were often treated as the “least” important part of the team. They did the job no one else wanted to do.
But Jesus never views those who play a seemingly “small” role as unimportant. He never looked down on those who served behind the scenes or did the jobs nobody else wanted. In fact, Jesus flips that concept on its head. He says the least among us will be the greatest. Those we consider great – the best players, the best coaches – will only be considered great in God’s eyes if they serve like the Waterboy serves.
After the Madness
Four teams. Three great games. One champion. The madness was definitely present at the Final Four this year. People everywhere, parties all night, drinking out of control. Was the madness about basketball, or bigger than that?
Birds of a Feather
The faint of heart need not apply.
It takes grit to play at Rice University’s Reckling Park on game day in front of 3,000 fans. It takes nerve to battle under the shadow of a preseason No. 1 ranking. Expectations overwhelm, and stomach knots tangle themselves inside even the most tested of athletes. Why? Because players know that a single performance can make or break an entire season.
But really, that’s all hogwash ... and Rice juniors Bobby Bramhall, Joe Savery and Brian Friday know it.
But I Thought...
I just returned for a powerful FCA weekend retreat at the FCA National Conference Center in Marshall, Ind. God was alive and well and moved among the college students who attended. Kenn Kington did a great job of presenting the gospel and offered an invitation on Saturday night to accept the Lord for the first time. No show of hands. No "Just as I am." Just men and women making things right with their Creator during this special time. Kington encouraged all who made a decision to tell others about praying to invite Jesus into their hearts.
The next morning during our Huddle time, one of the young men shared how a teammate of his gave his life to the Lord, but he was surprised. He thought since this young man came to FCA that he was a believer.
How David Beats Goliath
“The difference between champions and near champions is the ability to play for something outside of self.” – Lou Holtz, Hall of Fame football coach
What comes first, success or confidence? For most of us, we are confident when we are successful, but how do we get that initial confidence? Can we be confident without the evidence of success? It’s like the old question: “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” We want to believe we can succeed, but we need proof. We think we have to actually see David defeat Goliath before we believe it’s possible.
Be Prepared in Season and out of Season
As coaches, our jobs do not end with the final game of the season. Even out of season we are recruiting, reviewing game films, and developing a plan for the next year. We set goals and requirements for our athletes—all to prepare them for competition.
God instructed Moses to receive the Ten Commandments, “Cut two stone tablets…be prepared by morning. Come up Mount Sinai in the morning and stand before Me on the mountaintop” (Ex 34:1). Throughout the Old Testament, God gave instructions on preparing sacrifices, being prepared for battle, preparing food, and preparing to build the temple.
Misplaced Treasures
If you’re running to win but you have only earthly goals in mind, it will be short-lived. It will be a withering type of thing. You have to have spiritual goals in mind. Things do get in the way of being excellent. Some of those things are pride and self-centeredness but you still have to do everything as unto the Lord. You have to try to keep those types of thoughts out. You have to understand what’s spiritual and what’s long lasting. I’m reminded of the Scripture passage about the guy who had the barns, was very blessed, and said he was going to build bigger barns and store all of his wares. But God said to him, “You’re a fool because all these things will be taken from you this very night.” Where is your soul?
All Grown Up
There are about a million things I loved about John Wooden's coaching, but one of my favorite things was when he taught his players each year how to put on their socks and tie their shoes properly. Now, you would think that college-aged men could do this on their own, but Wooden took nothing for granted. He paid attention to the little things of the game. I believe this is what made the big things come easier for his teams over the years. He always took care of the little things.
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