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  • Finding the Kingdom of God

    February 27, 2012


    The context of the verse above indicates a rather materialistic place. Jesus had just addressed being concerned about food, clothing and drink. The issue, though, is greater than “all these things” being added to those who seek and find the Kingdom.

  • The Challenge

    February 23, 2012


    Several years ago, as a senior on the baseball team, I had climbed the ladder and put in my time until it was finally my chance to be a starter. Each year I had been competing with older guys and had never ended up winning the job. This year, though, I was the oldest and most experienced, so I got the opportunity.

  • The Plan

    February 22, 2012


    How many of us have ever started a practice, game or even a season without a plan? To me, that idea doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. As coaches, we have plans coming out our ears! As a coach, I started working on next season just as soon as the current one was over. After all, I had to recruit in-coming freshman and encourage the returning athletes to come back. The last thing I wanted was for them to lose interest in being part of the team.

    I’m such a pack rat. Over the years I’ve saved so many coaching plans, even ones for sports I’ve never coached. You never know when you’ll be the head coach of a new sport someday, right? You just have to be ready at a moment’s notice.

  • My Top 10

    February 21, 2012


    I love ESPN’s Top 10 Plays of the Day. There’s something about sports highlights that makes me want to lace up the shoes and put on the jersey again! Even though ESPN’s is my favorite Top 10 list, there are many others out there. Certainly, David Letterman made it famous with his comical late-night list. But did you know that God created the original Top 10 list a long time ago? It’s called the Ten Commandments.

  • Rules of the Game

    February 20, 2012


    Sometimes athletes believe that rules are a part of the game in order to make sure that nobody cheats. Other times athletes think rules are against them, preventing them from doing what is seemingly necessary. They see officials as being out to get them. Neither of these is true.

    What would sports be like if there were no rules? What would a basketball game be like if we didn’t have to dribble? What if there were no fouls? What would football look like if there were no out-of-bounds lines? What if runners did not have to stay in their lanes? It would be utter chaos.

  • Lesson from Lin-Sanity

    February 16, 2012


    If you haven’t caught Lin-Sanity yet, you should probably turn on ESPN. Well, turn on any channel for that matter. It’s been featured on more than just the sports stations, even infiltrating the national news based on his incredibly fast rise to sports fame.

    His name is Jeremy Lin, and he is now the starting point guard for the New York Knicks. Since he took over the starting position, the Knicks have been on fire, and Lin himself has gone crazy on the scoring end amassing a total of 146 points in just six games. His popularity has skyrocketed so high that you can’t even access the Knicks’ homepage without first going through a big banner of Lin-Sanity.

    All this from a second-year kid from Harvard? Yep!

  • Praying for a WIN

    February 16, 2012


    Over the past several years, our family has joined in the annual FCA challenge of picking a word of the year. Every January, FCA sends out a series of Impact Play devotions asking readers to pray about a one-word theme for the year and letting God work through it in many ways.

    In 2012 my word was prayer. I thought perhaps God would grow the depth of my prayer, bring people into my path who needed prayer, or maybe answer a big prayer, but I had no idea that He would bring me to my knees in a whole different way.

  • Casting Your Shadow

    February 15, 2012


    One of my favorite urban legends is about a young man who was training to become an Olympic diver. He wasn’t a Christian man, and really, the only religious influence in his life came from one of his outspoken Christian friends. The young diver never really paid much attention to his friend’s “frequent sermons” and preferred not to think about the matter.

    One night, however, the diver was feeling very troubled by the cares of the world so he went to the indoor pool at his college thinking that making a few dives would help him relax. The lights were off, but as the pool had big skylights and the moon was bright, there was enough natural light for him to practice.

  • Restoration

    February 15, 2012


    Words, like toothpaste, come out easily but can’t be put back in once they’ve come out. University of Oklahoma baseball coach Larry Cochell learned this firsthand. He was forced to resign from his coaching position for making insensitive remarks. “I am deeply sorry for any pain or embarrassment I have caused any individual or the university,” Cochell said. The individual on the receiving end of Coach Cochell’s words forgave him for the incident and did not want him to resign. “We all say things that we don’t mean,” this person said. “He made a mistake.”

  • The Love Win

    February 14, 2012


    “Coaching is a profession of love. You can't coach people unless you love them.” - Eddie Robinson

    On June 26, 2010, thousands gathered at a memorial service to honor the life of legendary coach John Wooden who passed from this life to the next. Coach Wooden lived 99 full years. He lived well, died well and understood his eternal fate. He once said, “There is only one kind of life that truly wins, and that is the one that places faith in the hands of the Savior.”

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