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  • Victory Road

    June 09, 2009

    Victory Road

    The clock hits "0," and the blare of the buzzer fills the already noisy arena. The joy on the victors' faces is evident from even the highest balcony as tears of happiness, relief and exhaustion stream down their faces. The roar of the crowd is deafening as streamers fall and cameras flash in every fan's attempt to capture the winning moment-one that will forever be imprinted on the minds and hearts of the newly crowned champions.

  • Fit 4 Ever: Top 8 Things You Can Do to Get in Shape

    June 09, 2009

    Fit 4 Ever: Top 8 Things You Can Do to Get in Shape

    Remember those things that we were so committed to doing at the start of 2006? You know, those resolutions? Some of us may have resolved to read the Bible more or to pray every day while others may have made commitments to get in shape or to lose weight. Whatever our New Year’s resolutions, chances are good that by now we’ve already broken or forgotten them altogether. So with all these good intentions, why is it always so difficult to actually do what we say we are going to do? With respect to our health, most of us have heard and know what we need to do to get in shape. But hearing, knowing and doing are very different things!

  • Team United

    June 09, 2009

    Team United

    Kevin “Chappy” Hynes, Jill Perry, Scott Shepherd and Ray Lawrence share an office in Athens, Georgia. One of the most visibly enticing elements is a large dry erase board, topped with this question: SITUATION ANALYSIS — WHAT ARE WE DOING WELL? Below that are the answers: variety, weekly meetings, discipleship with leaders, buddy relationships, trips, Bible study. And below that, another question: WHERE CAN WE IMPROVE? And the answers: discipleship with others, team interaction, feature teams, worship team, coaches.

  • Shifting Gears

    June 09, 2009

    Shifting Gears

    Steve “Chappy” Hudson has been committed to full-time ministry since he was 23. After attending seminary, he joined the ministry team of a church in Charlotte, North Carolina. Six years later, he felt the tugging of the Holy Spirit to step out of the church setting to reach the “unequipped.” And what better place than at Charlotte Motor Speedway?

  • Fit 4 Ever: How Much Protein Do You Need?

    June 09, 2009

    Fit 4 Ever: How Much Protein Do You Need?

    Jesus knows how to build His church. He also knows how to build your body. In fact, He even designed the food we eat to perform very specific functions in our bodies to promote health, healing, energy and growth. Athletes today know that what they eat has a direct effect on how they train and how they ultimately perform during competition. But there still seems to be a lot of confusion when it comes to the amount of protein needed for peak performance.

  • Test Article 3

    June 09, 2009


  • The Game - Get Focused Study

    June 09, 2009


    “There’s definitely a right and a wrong. And I know what that is.”
    -Michelle, junior on girl’s varsity soccer team.

  • Level 3 Commitment

    June 09, 2009


    Don’t wait for a significant health problem to get committed to healthy living!

  • Be in the Right Place

    June 08, 2009


    David found trouble because he was in the wrong place. At the season when kings go off to war, he was at home. We cannot afford to be in the wrong place when we understand the eternal consequences. Our daily decision making is too crucial to have a momentary lapse in judgment. David’s lapse led to a lifetime of heartache.

    God had chosen David, given him position, promise, and a plan—and made him the greatest king to ever live. God has great plans for us as well and provides His Word to help keep us in the right place. Scripture tells us that we must: (1) hide the Word in our hearts (Psalm 119:1-3); (2) understand temptation and ask God to help us be obedient (Psalm 119:37-39); and (3) remember who we are in Christ (2 Samuel 12:7-8).

  • Test Article

    June 08, 2009



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