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  • Identity Crisis

    June 05, 2009

    Identity Crisis

    Identity. We all search for it. We all find it — whether we know it or not. And how we choose to define ourselves can and will determine the quality of our lives. If the foundation of our identity is unstable, we will live unstable lives. If, however, our identity is rooted in something constant and unshakable, we will find ourselves the same.

  • Idols

    May 10, 2013


    Since I was a young boy growing up in Pittsburgh, I wanted to work for the Pittsburgh Steelers or the Pittsburgh Penguins. A family friend of ours was Mike Lange, who is a Hall of Fame announcer for the Pittsburgh Penguins. As a boy playing sports with his son, I would see Mr. Lange when he attended our games and get-togethers. I always admired him as a person, but I also admired the two championship rings that he always wore. On several occasions, Mr. Lange let me wear his Stanley Cup Championship rings on my fingers. It was those moments when I knew that all I wanted was to win a ring of my own.

  • If I Only Had the Nerve

    February 11, 2010


    How many of you know if all your friends and family are saved?  How many of you would have the nerve to simply ask each and every one of your friends and family, "If you died today, do you know 100% where you would spend eternity?  My answer to both of those questions to this point would be, "No".  These are questions that I spend a pretty fare amount of time thinking about, but can't muster up the courage to ask. 

  • If I weren't a huddle leader...

    September 30, 2003


    Plot of Skit:
    Each person has an occupation that they would be if they weren't huddle leaders.
    This is just a funny skit that gives all the huddle leaders a chance to be up front.
    All of them sing the song with just one person at a time singing the last part…”a
    farmer I would be. Give, Bessie, give. My baby's got to live.” Then they all do
    their individual lines before repeating and adding another person.

    Characters: As many as you want

    Listed below is the song and some examples for you to use.
    If I weren't a huddle leader, I'll tell you what I'd be.
    If I weren't a huddle leader, a ________ I would be.

  • If I...

    May 12, 2010


    Lately I’ve been having some “if I” moments in my life. I love the TV show “The Biggest Loser” and wonder how, if I lost some weight, my knee might not hurt as much. But then I don’t change how I eat or exercise. Then I hear my friends talking about playing hoops on Saturday mornings and think that, if I try to play, I could get back into shape again. But then I never make the effort to try. My intentions are good, but my heart is not changing. What’s the deal?

  • If you have to ask...

    May 07, 2009

    I have a patch with the IronMan Triathlon symbol in the center. Around the outside it reads, “If you have to ask, you wouldn’t understand.” There’s a certain truth to that statement. I know; I’ve asked. I did one, and now I know. But it is something you can’t understand until you have been there and had a chance to look at it from the other side of the mirror, so to speak. 

  • IMA...

    September 30, 2003


     Have different people stand up and say “I’m in/at a _____________, so I must be a _____________. This will make it obvious that just because we live in America, we aren’t automatically Christians.

    Number of Characters:
    As many as you like! Examples are as follows to fill in the blanks:
    garage, car; Nebraska, cornhusker; football field, football player; barn, chicken;
    White House, president; microphone, singer; watch, time; zoo, monkey; church,
    Christian; FCA Camp, Christian

    Read 1 John 5:11.

  • Impact of Our Actions

    July 06, 2007

    Every day we impact the people around us. Others see our actions and hear our words, and that causes them to form opinions regarding who we are. We do that same thing with the professional athletes we watch. The athlete who makes a scene with his temper is perceived differently than the player who is conscientious of his actions and keeps a level head. 
    But because of the world we live in, professional athletes also are followed away from the game. The media watches their every move and tells us immediately if they make a mistake.

  • Impact Play

    May 21, 2009


    Every morning, I have a routine once I get to the office.

    1. Fire up the computer - 8:00 A.M.
    2. Delete the spam from my e-mail account (while eating a couple pieces of toast).
    3. Head to “Morning Glory,” the corporate prayer time of the FCA National Office.
    4. Transition into prayer time with the Communications/Marketing Department.
    5. Edit and send out the daily Impact Play e-mail devotion.
    6. Start the day - 9:30 A.M.

    I’ll be honest. Prior to writing this story, bullet point number five wasn’t that much of a landmark in my day.

  • Impact Play: Mark and Katharyn Richt Video Study – Part III

    October 08, 2010


    In more than two decades of marriage, University of Georgia Head Football Coach Mark Richt and his wife, Katharyn, have learned valuable lessons about three very popular things in FCA: faith, family and football. Today, we’re continuing our four-part video devotion series based on the Richts’ recent interview with FCA’s Sharing the Victory magazine.


    To access the video, click the link below to watch or download the clip. After you’ve watched the short video, take time to answer the questions below. Finish by reading the related Scripture and asking God to work in your heart as a result of what you’ve learned.


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