Paul “Bear” Bryant, born on September 11, 1913, once said, “It’s not the will to win that matters; everyone has that. It’s the will to prepare to win that matters.” September 11, 2001, will forever be remembered as one of our country’s worst tragedies; however, on September 11, 1983, I experienced my own tragedy. On that day, I suffered a spinal cord injury during a football game. I dislocated three vertebrae in my neck, and was told I would never walk again and could be permanently paralyzed from the neck down. Today, twenty-two years later, I am confined to a wheelchair.
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A Poor Widow’s Example
Set:C.S. Lewis, one of last century’s most influential and prolific Christian authors, in writing about tithing said that if it doesn’t impinge upon one’s lifestyle, then he isn’t giving enough. The giving of money to the work of the Lord, he said, should involve some sacrifice.
A Positive Outlook
Set:Picture this: It is the bottom of the eighth inning. There is one out with men on first and second. Your team, down by three, desperately needs a hit to stay in the game, and you are next up to bat. Do you give up or do you rise to the challenge?
A Push in the Right Direction
Set:In this account from the Gospel of Luke, Jesus is awakened by His disciples when a storm seems to be threatening their lives. In the middle of what they considered a frightening situation, Jesus asks them, “Where is your faith?”
Once at a summer camp, I observed three kids struggling to maneuver a canoe in a small pond. As the camp counselor sat on the shoreline and yelled directions to them, the children became confused and scared. From what I could tell, their feelings were probably brought on by the fact that they were not listening to the counselor or that they were just making wrong decisions. Nonetheless, they didn’t understand how to properly paddle and they lacked the faith that they would be safe.
A Real "Super" Bowl
Set:Super Bowl week is finally here. After waiting for months to see who would make it we have two good teams…Da Bears and the Colts. Being in Chicago, all I hear is about the Bears, and very little about the Colts other than Peyton Manning. But this year's game takes on another interesting turn for fans and coaches across the country. I am not referring to having both coaches being African American (though I think that is long overdue and fantastic), but rather about having two Christian men coaching the big game. The men are truly "Super" men of God and have not been trying to hide it in any way. Football is not their god; it is simply what they do. I think that is super just for them to verbalize it publicly and to live it out. -
A Reason to Keep on Going
Set:Maybe it’s my athletic background as a player and as a coach, but there is something in me that dislikes the word quit. Of course, at one time or another in our lives, we have all had to face that word in choices we have made. There will always be difficult circumstances in life—some so bad that it is hard to see an answer. It is at those moments that we are faced with the alternative of quitting. The world would make that choice easy, asking,“If you don’t like the way things are going, why don’t you just quit?” It applies to our marriages, our relationships, our jobs, and even to our faith.
A Servant’s Heart
Set:Jesus chose to serve His disciples and followers rather than to be served. He displayed an example for them to follow and called them to a purpose beyond themselves. Servant leadership can be defined as guiding and directing through submission and acknowledging the value of others. A coach holds a position to lead and has an opportunity to teach players, through example, what it means to serve like Christ.
A Team Needs at Least Two
Set:My oldest daughter, Stephanie, graduated from Millard North High School in May 2004. Just a few weeks later, on June 16, 2004, she was a passenger in a car that ran into a tree, and instantly she was taken to be with the Lord. Stephanie was never interested in sports like our other two children, Jacob and Abby, but she did understand that to have a team, you need at least two. She wrote the following poem, "A Team Needs at Least Two,” about a year before she died.
A Victorious Life
Set:Whenever I have an upcoming race, especially a marathon, I spend a lot of time training. People often ask me, "Where do you find the time?" But I think the real question on their minds is, "Why are you CHOOSING to spend your time doing that?"
When I began running marathons in 2009 my life and my pursuits were out of balance. I knew the training process would instill characteristics such as discipline, accountability and goal-setting. What I later realized was that running would also allow me plenty of time alone with my thoughts and time alone with God. Now I no longer have to justify my reason for doing marathons. People realize it has changed me for the better.
A Winning Recipe
Set:I like to cook, and I like simple recipes. For example: open can; pour contents into pan; heat until hot; serve in bowl. Now that's my kind of recipe. Coach Lou Holtz gave the recipe of a winner when he said, "Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it." Ability,motivation and attitude are all ingredients of a winner, and they cannot be omitted or substituted.
Likewise, Peter gave us the recipe for effective Christian living. The two main ingredients the Lord provides are His power (2 Peter 1:3) and His promises (v. 4). As we mix His power and promises into our believing and living, He'll strengthen our ability, inspire our motivation and empower our attitude.
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