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  • Attitude Is Everything

    March 09, 2014


    As a coach and a player it can be a challenge to have the right attitude. Many times we will say of a player, “He needs an attitude adjustment,” or “Her attitude stinks,” or especially, “If he had the right attitude, he could be a great player.”

    Sometimes when we are experiencing winning, we can have a prideful or cocky attitude that is not pleasing to God. Sometimes we need to be humbled, and that humbling can be quite painful.

  • Attitude of Gratitude

    April 30, 2013

    Athletes of all levels feel a sense of entitlement. Since leaving coaching, I have noticed a lack of daily gratefulness in athletes. I see managers serve water to athletes who turn around and drop the bottles on the ground instead of handing it back to the manager standing right there! I see Little League players disregard instructions from coaches and umpires because they know better. What has happened to the attitude of gratitude—of having a thankful heart for those who serve or care enough to help?
    In Psalm 136, the author makes a very clear point. It states 26 times that we should give thanks to the Lord. The trouble is that we treat the Lord the same as some athletes treat those who try to help them.

  • Attitudes

    January 28, 2012


    Ken Keys, Jr. once said, “A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world. Everyone you meet is your mirror.”

    Well, that’s a sobering thought! When I am in a group with bad attitudes and negative thought, I am only seeing my reflection? Then I had better get some better skin care! I guess that’s called a change of attitude.

    You know, attitudes are catching. As a coach or teacher, we should always be sure to set a good attitude for our teams to catch. We should develop a habit of looking for the good in everyone.

  • Audience of One

    December 04, 2012


    Referees have a tough assignment. They must keep the game going, uphold the rules, keep every participant safe, and make sure not to create an advantage for either side. It’s a monumental task, all the while facing unbelievable pressure from the stands. But, in the midst of all that goes on during a game, the primary job of a referee is to represent truth. Have you noticed that all referees make truth statements: “No catch…out of bounds…foul on you…off sides…touchdown…no good…time has expired.” They don’t have favorites, aren’t rooting for one team over the other, and are simply stating the truth as they see it. Once the whistle blows, one side likes the call while, inevitably, the other side doesn’t.

  • Authority and Power

    October 07, 2013


    What is the key to attaining a position of power and influence? How do leaders and other people of prestige and authority reach their positions? It is shown throughout the Bible that God puts people in places of prominence and power after they have taken a lower position to serve Him and others.

    Peter calls us to maintain an attitude of humility, both before God and among our teammates. There seems to be no room for self-promotion or arrogance in God’s kingdom.

    The promise that Peter offers in 1 Peter 5:6 is that as we maintain a spirit of humility, God Himself will lift us to prominence at just the right time. I’m sure God is smarter than I am, or any of us, for that matter. Let’s trust Him and His timing for our coming into positions of prominence.

  • Available

    April 05, 2009


    When we avail ourselves to God, He manifests more of His character in us, making the extraordinary become the ordinary, as in the story of Daniel. Success often follows obedience and trust in God. As a result of Daniel’s obedience, he prospered in his position and caused the hearts of the people to be turned toward God.

    Available hands reflect an available heart. When we are prepared to let God use us, He is prepared to do remarkable things through us. God’s presence and help is available to us every moment and everywhere. He is always with us, listens to us, and pursues us with His love.

  • Awesome

    November 29, 2006

    The word "awesome" is used to describe so much in sports today. "Did you see that awesome catch?" "Did you see his awesome dunk?" "That home run was awesome!" And let's not forget the words of the modern-day philosopher Tommy Boy, "That was awesome." I looked this word up in the Urban Dictionary. It defines awesome as being "totally cool." It is what is called a "sticking plaster" word, which is something used by Americans to cover over the huge gaps in our vocabulary. It is one of the three words that make up most American sentences. And in sports today, that is definitely the case. Everything great is awesome.

  • Awestruck

    November 01, 2008


    In 1996, I went to my first professional golf tournament. Lush green grass, beautiful colors and the world’s best golfers took center stage at Southern Hills Country Club in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I watched several groups tee off and was amazed at how far they hit the ball.

    As I walked the course, I came to a hole where there was quite a buzz. People were crowding in to see a young golfer hit the ball—a young man named Tiger Woods. I, too, greatly admired this young, talented golfer. Tiger took it all in stride. He showed amazing composure for such a young player.

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