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His Glory
Set:College football bowl season is finally over. There were some good games, some bad games and some "wow" games, but in the end it was all about each winning school getting the glory. Florida was the "Grand Poobaa" this year beating Ohio State, and that glory will last for about a month or so until March Madness rolls around and people forget about football. This just goes to show that the glory we get on earth is very short-lived; and if anyone should receive glory for any accomplishment, it needs to be God. -
His Glory- It's Not About Me!
Set:At the end of the game, the win or the loss falls on the coach. The coach receives the glory or the blame associated with the game. In the game of life, Jesus is our Coach. But, unlike in sports, Jesus can only receive glory. No blame is associated with Him because He is perfect. He is holy. He is everything that we are not.
Hit the ‘Stay’ Button
Set:We all have seen the ads about the “Easy” button. Just hit the Easy button and things become easy. I actually have an Easy button on my desk that doesn’t work anymore, because I used it so much. I think the batteries died.
I love the “easy “button,” but I think a better button would be a “New” button — one that gives us a fresh start. We could hit it at the beginning of a year (or month or day) and start over with a clean slate. Wouldn’t that be great? We could hit the New button for lots of things: diet, workout routine, pets, schools, sports teams, coaches, friends or jobs. The list could go on and on.
Hold the Line!
Set:Every football player knows the value of a good offensive line. There’s a mild disgust when a defensive back finds a hole and the play is over before the offense could produce something. That’s where it all starts—or ends. There’s something formed in the hearts of men/women when they stand shoulder to shoulder with their teammates; and the strength as a unit is greater than the sum of the parts. There’s a bond formed and a confidence forged deep in the soul.
Holding On
Set:Those of us who watch a lot of sports programs on television have probably seen the St. Louis Cardinals’ “blanket” commercial. It begins with a man who wraps a red St. Louis Cardinals’ blanket around himself. As it turns out, the blanket is the one constant in his life as he grows up. As a child, he uses it as a cape when he runs up the steps, and he drapes it over his bed when he studies. It is on the seat when he learns to play the drums as a teenager, in the trunk when he moves out of the house, and around his girlfriend while they watch a movie. The commercial ends with the man wrapping the blanket around his child as these words come on the screen: “Without sports, what would we hold on to?”
Home Crowd
Set:For an athlete, there is nothing like competing in front of a home crowd. Nothing is more inspiring than hearing the cheers, feeling the energy and responding to the wave of encouragement. In the summer of 2012, US decathlete Ashton Eaton road the cheers of a home crowd to a remarkable accomplishment at the US Olympic Trials. During the 2-day 10-event competition, Eaton set two world decathlon records in the 100 meters and the long jump, but still needed one more personal best in the final event, the grueling 1500 meters, to break the world record for the overall competition.
Honest Opinion
Set:NFL coach-turned-analyst Herman Edwards calls it like it is. You may or may not agree with him, but you will certainly not be bored. He isn't afraid to be open and honest based on his years of experience as a player and coach, and he doesn’t beat around the bush.
Set:After 22 years of playing and coaching football, I won a championship ring while serving as team chaplain for the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College football team. Under the leadership of Steve Campbell, that team finished number one in the national JUCO poll. They possessed a rare quality—honor. After every victory we gave God the glory. All year we honored our coaches, one another, our teachers, and parents. We made mistakes, but always came back to honor.
Honor Him
Set:The sports world loves to pay tribute to great athletes and coaches. Halls of fame, retired jerseys and numbers, street names and building names all honor famous sports heroes. But what are they really honoring? Some were great men and women off the field, but for the most part those things honor great achievements in athletics. In my book there's nothing wrong with that until we look at how we truly honor Christ in our sporting careers.
Honoring Buck
Set:I had the pleasure of meeting the legendary Buck O'Neil earlier this year. It was on his 94th birthday on a Saturday morning at the FCA headquarters in Kansas City, Mo. Ashamedly, I did not know who he was when he walked straight up to me to give me hug. After learning that I had just met a legend of the American Negro Baseball League, I remember feeling like I had embraced an angel overflowing with the love of Christ.
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