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Running on Empty

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By Josh Carter

August 29, 2006

"Come to Me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

-Matthew 11:28 

Nineteen-year-old, Marco Andretti became the youngest driver to win a major open-wheel race, claiming victory at the 2006 Indy Grand Prix of Sonoma. Toward the end of the race, as Andretti was running low on fuel, a timely caution flag was waved, allowing him to conserve enough to make it to the finish. "We'll never know for sure if he would have made it on fuel without the yellow," said Marco's father, Michael.
Do you ever feel like you are running on empty in the race of life? So often we try to fill up our own tank with stuff that just won't work. We think more wins will fill up our tank, or more money, or more popularity, or whatever else we can think of. The truth is that trying to fill our tank with temporary things is like putting water in your gas tank. It just won't work. Our tank is not made to be satisfied with the things of this earth.
Jesus is the ONLY one who can truly fill up your tank. He will wave the yellow flag when we start to run low on fuel so that we can come in and have a refueling "pit stop" with Him. The problem is that most of us either don't see or just ignore the caution flag and keep the pedal to the medal, which leads us to completely run out of fuel.

If your tank is running low today, I encourage you to make a pit stop with Jesus and allow Him to fill you up. No other fuel will work! 

1. If you had a gauge to tell you how much fuel you have left in your tank, where would the needle be pointing (F, 3/4, 1/2, 1/4 or E)? Why?
2. What are some things that drain the fuel out of your tank?

3. What can/will you do to make sure your tank doesn't run out of fuel? 

John 6:35
Romans 15:13
Philippians 1:9-11

Colossians 1:9