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  • God's Grace

    April 27, 2010


    If we were to count on our hands the number of times someone has let us down or the number of times we’ve disappointed someone else, we’d definitely run out of fingers! Because we are human, we fail all the time, whether in relationships, careers, or daily disciplines. In fact, our life on earth seems full of opportunities to learn from our mistakes. So it’s a good thing we have promises like Psalm 103:12, “As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.”

  • The Best of Teams

    April 27, 2010

    Most sports are made up of teams. And after playing on many different teams, athletes often remember the ones that were real joys to be a part of. For me, it was freshman year in football when everyone was enthusiastic. Everyone wanted the group to do well, and the seniors were just awesome guys--the kind of people who had a genuine interest in all of the underclassmen. They truly set an example for motivation and effort. We saw this in a lot of different forms: the lineman blocking especially hard for the quarterback, the amount of encouragement from the sidelines, the seniors who would talk to the freshman in the halls, and their all-around good attitudes.

  • Success

    April 26, 2010


    In today’s world it seems like every one defines success in numbers of wins and losses. Not everyone is going to win all the time so it is not a very good measure of success. With all the pressure put on players and coaches to put up the big win numbers we are all losing sight of why we really play the game.

    John Wooden defines success as, “the peace of mind that is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming”. How many times have you seen people wanting success but not wanting to put the work in to achieving it? I like to work out on the stationary bike and treadmill.

  • God’s Game Plan

    April 25, 2010


    Coaches work hard to get the job done for their programs, but the head coach spends even more time in preparation for his or her meetings. It’s not just the season preparations that need to be done, but also pre-season, postseason, and summer workouts to consider. The head coach must think of everyone in the program and blend every person together for the success of the next year.

  • The Ultimate Goal

    April 24, 2010


    Coaches challenge players to set goals, both for themselves and for the team. One way to reinforce this practice is by maintaining a written journal or list of expectations. The great Apostle Paul had goals, too, one of which appears in his letter to the church at Philippi. Paul’s goal was to know Jesus more. If we made Paul’s goal one for ourselves and our players, what would be the result? Would the daily challenges of our jobs, the pains of failed relationships, or the sorrows of daily tragedies seem as unendurable if we knew “the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings”?

  • “Go, Go, Get ’em, Get ’em, Fight, Fight, Win!”

    April 23, 2010


    While growing up playing many types of sports, with a variety of coaches, there were many chants cheered. However, one that sticks out in my mind is “Go, Go, Get ’em, Get ’em, Fight, Fight, Win!” This cheer was a common saying from my high school basketball coach. We would break every huddle with our hands held high saying this simple, yet meaningful, chant. These words would help us persevere throughout the entire game.

  • Every Coach Should Know

    April 22, 2010


    Glen is a high school football coach. He's not much different than other coaches. He's driven, tough, motivated and strong-willed. However, like many coaches, Glen developed two different lifestyles: a good coaching lifestyle and that of a struggling alcoholic. As these two lifestyles ran their courses, they eventually came crashing together. He continued to coach, but the drinking took its toll. Several DWIs mounted up, and eventually the alcoholism caused more issues. Glen came to the end of his rope.

  • Getting Held Up?

    April 22, 2010


    Just prior to pregame warmups during my rookie season with the Kansas City Chiefs, one of the officials introduced himself to me as the father of a friend of mine. After a brief chat, he suggested I let him know if I was having any trouble in the game. Not thinking too much of his comment, I thanked him and joined my teammates for drills.

  • Waiting: What is it good for?

    April 20, 2010


    Jason is a good coach. He coached with me as one of my assistants in Oklahoma. I always knew he had a good basketball mind and that it was just a matter of time before he became a head coach. Strongly desiring a head position himself, Jason waited and waited. He took several positions to teach and coach, but yet was never named a head coach. Other friends around him were getting head coaching jobs, but not him. So, he waited.

  • The Future Lies in the Past

    April 17, 2010


    History always repeats itself because man fails to learn from his failures. Therefore, we do well to remember historical events such as the Holocaust, the Civil War, and the Israelites’ forty-year wilderness wandering. The Bible tells us why the world is like it is: sin. The Bible has much to say about the blessings that come as a result of obeying and the curses, or consequences, that occur as a result of sin. We find these truths from Genesis to Revelation. God certainly forgives the sin of those who belong to Him through Jesus Christ; however, there are still consequences to be faced. Are God’s people today settling down comfortably in the society in which we live, casting out our distinctive Christian focus?

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