Key Verse:
He will see [it] out of His anguish, and He will be satisfied with His knowledge. My righteous servant will justify many, and He will carry their iniquities.
Isaiah 53:11
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Key Verse:
He will see [it] out of His anguish, and He will be satisfied with His knowledge. My righteous servant will justify many, and He will carry their iniquities.
Isaiah 53:11
Jesus is standing off to the side away from the sin (can be done to “Bright Eyes” by Kim Carnes). The girl comes on stage and is trying to choose which direction to go in (the sin or Jesus). After thinking briefly, she starts toward the sin. Her caring friend comes out to try and persuade her to go toward Jesus, but the girl ignores her.
She goes over to the sin and embraces them one by one. When she is finished, she goes back to the first sin and takes his hands and starts dancing in a circle. She is smiling, but the sin has no expression. Quickly, the second sin joins hands in the circle of dancing and then the third, fourth, and fifth.
View the Soul Surfer video from the Game Changer FCA Resources DVD and walk through the questions below.
Key Verse: “For I know the plans I have for you" —[this is] the LORD's declaration—"plans for [your] welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” – Jeremiah 29:11
Throughout Les Steckel’s 20 years as an NFL coach, he made stops in San Francisco, Minnesota, New England, Denver, Tennessee (via Houston), Tampa Bay and Buffalo. One place the president and CEO of Fellowship of Christian Athletes never coached was in Oakland, but something about that organization will always stick with him.
“Truth is what you make it. There’s different aspects of truth. Depending on your perspective. I think that’s true.”
–– Phillip, 16-year-old surfer.
This icebreaker is a simple way to help people introduce facts about themselves. It's very flexiable and adaptable - and (if you have a sweet tooth) delicious too! The M&M Game goes by other names: The Skittles Game, the Candy Game, the Color Game, among other names.
Setup - Pour M&M's or any other multicolor candy into a bowl. Have everyone in the group grab as much or as little as they like from the bowl. Make sure that no one eats their candy right away. Depending on the size of your group it might be best to break up into several smaller groups in order to have the time for everyone to share.
Every time I turn around, I’m hit with another statistic—another number, another measurement. My friends who are math majors cling to this principle, and for them it makes the world go ’round. But for me, it just facilitates an overwhelming feeling of unworthiness. I can’t go a day without being measured by my GPA, my batting average, my fielding percentage, my time around the bases, height, weight…See where I’m going?
Audio from the 2010 Cove retreat at the Billy Graham Center in Ashville, North Carolina. Includes open mic segments as well as comments from Les Steckel.
Set Up: All characters in the audience
Two: Hey! Aren’t we supposed to do a skit?
All: (take the stage, yelling and excited) We’re going to do a skit. (Characters speak simultaneously as follows.)
Six: I’m acting---Acting…
One: To be or not to be? That is the question…
Four: (singing) Me, me, me, me… Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweeping down the plain…
Two: I’m such a good actress. I got all-star cast last year…
Five: Well, my director said that I’m the best actor that she’s seen in years. Last year when I played the chicken…
What you'll need:
Photos from magazines, newspapers, the Internet or photos taken by yourself.
You'll need at least one photo for each person.
Create groups of 5-7 people or larger.
Mix up the photos, face down and then have each person pick one photo.
Each person has a picture but they cant show it to anyone.
The group then tries to come up with a story from some photos.
It takes a lot of patience and understanding to keep the story going in the direction that the first person started off with.
In your sport, how much pressure do you feel to produce good stats?
Where does that pressure come from?
Read Romans 10:9-10. According to God’s Word, what must we do to be saved?
According to this verse, does our performance have anything to do with our salvation?
Get to know Tracey DeKeyser, the assistant women's hockey coach for the Wisconsin Badgers, by listening to this exciting conversation about her career, faith and family.
“It was easy when I was a kid. Just listen to my folks. Now there are too many people telling me what to do and what to think. It’s pretty confusing. “
-Adam, sophomore on high school swim team
Using Avery Business Card Template #8371, (available at most office supply stores) you can create your own promotional cards and include your own Field information on the back.
We offer two versions, one with the national date and one without, should your Field be on a different date.
Best of all, there's no cutting.
Just print and tear apart!
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FCA Bible Topic