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  • Soul Surfer: Rad Nite Youth Group Gathering

    October 01, 2011


    View the Soul Surfer video from the Game Changer FCA Resources DVD and walk through the questions below.

    Key Verse: “For I know the plans I have for you" —[this is] the LORD's declaration—"plans for [your] welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” – Jeremiah 29:11

  • Speak the Truth, Live With the End in Mind - Daniel Study - Chapter 9

    September 15, 2008


    Living with the end in mind is key to my confidence today. If, as a coach, you knew the final score of the game was in your favor, how would you coach during the game? In the game of life and eternity, God is the champion, and victory is guaranteed. Daniel chapters 7 to 12 give us a glimpse into the future in which God will reign with all who believe.

  • Staff Attitudes

    October 02, 2007


    Wisdom for a Young Head Coach
    Week 5

    I Timothy 2:8-15

    Read the text aloud.

    Discussion Questions:

  • Strength and Courage - Chapel

    October 25, 2007


    1 – Today’s contest will require strength and courage for us to finish the day with a victory.

    2 – Strength and courage are character qualities required for all of life and especially for competition.

    • Joshua 1:9 (read the text aloud).

    3 – Be strong

    • Strong of mind (focus well and tune out crowd noise)
    • Strong of body (prepare to finish the contest strongly)
    • Strong of soul (to deal well with momentum swings)

    4 – Be courageous

  • Strong In Spirit - Daniel Study - Chapter 11

    September 15, 2008


    Competition is a good thing. Competition allows us to measure ourselves, to strive for better things and can keep us grounded or humble. What would happen if you played a game against a very competitive opponent but you did not compete in return? If you played the game but did not care about the outcome or how well you were doing, you would likely get whipped. Sadly, many of us are playing a spiritual game, and we are not competing. We are getting whipped spiritually day after day, on and off the field, but we just keep going. Hopefully, this chapter will change the way you compete.

  • Strong In Spirit: Part II - Daniel Study - Chapter 12

    September 15, 2008


    There is a lot of information to be digested in this lesson. Take your time to discuss the points where needed. Let the Spirit of God speak to your heart. Practically, it may be best to read the chapter first. Then, use the bullet points for clarification and discussion.

    God Provides an Answer to the Vision
    Read Daniel 11:2-12:13. The prophecy in this chapter is very detailed about events in the future. The accuracy and fulfillment of these events have led many skeptics to believe that this portion of Daniel was written by someone else after all the events occurred, but I am not a skeptic!

    Here are some thoughts on the historical fulfillment of this vision:

  • Struggling with Disrespect and Shame Study

    August 07, 2010


    Key Verse: “Do not judge others, and you will not be judged.  For you will be treated as you treat others.  The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged. And why worry about a speck in your friend’s eye when you have a log in your own?" -  Matthew 7:1-3

    • Zack talked about joining in with his friend in making fun of other people.  How much of an issue is that at your school?  Who do they target at your school?

    • Why do so many Christians get involved with talking down to other students?

  • Suffering and Success

    October 25, 2007


    1 – This is the sort of situation a competitor dreams about.

    • We’re playing for a championship.
    • All the events of this season and our combined character have lead us to this day.

    2 – Suffering and success – they go together.

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