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  • The Audience

    September 07, 2010


    Last year, I got the chance to play my first college basketball game in my home state. I was so excited to play in front of the 40-plus people who had come to watch. I wanted to play well and prayed that God would help me to do so.

    Much to my disappointment, I played the worst game of my life. I made only one shot in my team’s humiliating 30-point loss. I was so embarrassed that I didn’t want to talk to any of my family or friends who had come to cheer me on. I was afraid of what they thought of me and my performance.

  • Rebuilding

    September 06, 2010


    Our small town high school football team had a record-breaking season last year. We finished 11–1, and ranked eighth in the state. This year our record is 0–6.

    As coaches, we have all had the dreaded “rebuilding” season, the one where the most you hope to gain is respect for your efforts and sportsmanship. Even the best programs have rebuilding years. The best teams experience slumps. As coaches, we find this is a frustrating time. We get angry. We do not understand how we can do well one year and so poorly the next. We vent our frustrations on the players, our assistants, and even our families.We say and do things we later regret.

  • Philippians 2:14

    September 06, 2010


    Hockey Chat:  Having 5 guys on the ice makes a team.  Having 5 guys on the ice that are working together and covering each other makes a winning team.  When we say that our position is just on Offense or someone else is a Defenseman, we are cutting away that we are all a team.  Whichever color jerseys have the puck determines whether we are all on offense or defense. It’s when we complain or argue that “it’s not my position so it’s not my fault” we all fall down.

  • The Real Head Coach

    September 04, 2010


    It’s the start of practice. Everyone has high hopes, goals, and expectations for the upcoming season. As Christians, the biggest goals are the ones God has for us as coaches and the athletes He has entrusted to our care.

    God has created each one of our team members, the coaching staff, parents, and all those connected with our programs. Twice in the verses above we are reminded of Jesus’ work in creating all things. In fact, today’s passage tells us that all things were created not only by Him, but also for Him. He also promises to hold thing—all things—together. This may not mean victory, or lack of challenges, but things will be  held together to accomplish His perfect plan and will in our lives and in the lives of those around us.

  • Philippians 3:12

    September 03, 2010


    Hockey Chat:  Goalie Andrew Raycroft was picked up by the Boston Bruins 135th overall in the 1998 Entry Draft.  Although he didn’t get drafted onto the team in the top picks, the coaching staff had faith in him and worked with him through the early years as he played in the minor leagues in order to get him ready for the NHL.  He was brought up in the fall of 2003 and won the 2004 Calder Trophy (Most Valuable Rookie of the NHL).

  • Galatians 3:3

    September 03, 2010


    Hockey Chat:  What if you were to get to spend a month with Wayne Gretzky (or Martin Brodeur for you goalies) and they spent day and night giving you tips and coaching?  That would make you pretty great.  But if the month was over and you went back to playing your way and forgetting everything you had been taught, losing your talents you had been just gained.  It would seem foolish.  Like a waste of a great opportunity. 


  • Philippians 3:14

    September 03, 2010


    Hockey Chat:  Wayne Gretzky said it best when he was quoted, “You miss 100% of the shots you never take”.  To win those scoring titles he had to press on and take those shots, even though not all of them went in.  Continually pressing on makes winners


  • 1 Timothy 1:5

    September 03, 2010


    Hockey Chat:  A goal on a break away is a sweet play to watch. But even better is when the team works together and through a series of good moves and great passes they get a goal.  When all these elements fall into place it makes for a truly good play and tough puck for the goalie to stop.  A half-hearted toss at the net is no real challenge for the goaltender.

  • Titus 3:8

    September 03, 2010


    Hockey Chat:  You can feel effects being out on the ice for the first time in a while.  You can also feel the effects from working out or keeping active in preparation for game time.  Devoting the extra effort helps you be a better skater.  That helps the whole team win.  Individual dedication leads to team victory.

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