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Training for the Rain
A few days ago, I went out for a long training run. It wasn't a particularly pretty day, and I wasn't exactly looking forward to the run ahead of me. About four miles in, it started to drizzle. A mile later, it was raining. I found myself looking around realizing that I was the only one around running in the rain. My mind started to harp on how miserable it was, how much longer I had to go, and how I could probably just take a shortcut and go home. Then I felt God speak to me.
Galatians 5:13
Hockey Chat: When a player is called up to the big leagues of the NHL he has got the chance to make a name for himself and an impact on the hockey world. He knows it’s his big break. Years of training had lead up to this and now he’s been called upon to be the best player he can be. But if he uses that chance to be a puck-hog or run up the penalty minutes, he has not used his big opportunity wisely and he’ll be a big let down to the ones who believed in him.
Fight for Your Brothers and Sisters
About 10-12 years ago, my wife started running. In that time she has run about a half dozen half-marathons, one full marathon and uncountable 5 and 10Ks. She usually competed in these events with a friend or family member, and in years past, it wasn’t me. I was a tennis-only athlete with a few medals on the mantle. Because I had never competed in endurance sports I couldn’t understand why she would always want to run with someone. I had always competed to win. I couldn’t understand wanting to run with another.
Motivational Keys
Some athletes are motivated by challenge, others by the thrill of winning. Others still are provoked to excellence by the fear of losing. What motivates us to compete at our highest levels? How do coaches and teammates stir us to be our best? We’re certainly not all wired the same.
Where's your shield?
Any athlete engaged in athletic competition—whether individual or team competition—is aware that his or her well-conditioned and dedicated athleticism is the most important weapon of defense. Regardless of his or her size or the opposition, an athlete without properly conditioned athleticism is the prime target for an adversary.
Titus 3:8
Hockey Chat: You can feel effects being out on the ice for the first time in a while. You can also feel the effects from working out or keeping active in preparation for game time. Devoting the extra effort helps you be a better skater. That helps the whole team win. Individual dedication leads to team victory.
The Third ‘No’ - No Excuses! Are you tired of having an excuse for everything? Well those days are over!
One problem with us today is that we often forget we own nothing. Talent, leadership ability, and even the very lives we live are God’s property.
Job lost all he had through no fault of his own. As he struggled to understand why, it became clear that it was not meant for him to know the reasons. How he reacted is paramount—He worshiped God! Today we tend to worship depending on how well life is treating us. Job exemplified a very valuable principle—worship is the lifestyle we lead, not the momentary prevailing mind-set.
Walk it Out. We have to live out our theology through action.
Obey. Every Christian has been called to obedience. Job was known as a man of integrity because he obeyed God.
Mike’s Hope
A few days ago I went to the funeral of a huge sports fan whose love for life was evident to all. His name was Mike. His father had worked for FCA for several years and was responsible for getting FCA started in the SEC schools in the 60s and 70s. Mike’s life was full of joy, but it ended tragically with a sudden heart attack. He left this life way too early in my opinion, but his legacy will live on. His life was based on hope in Christ.
In the Zone
How many times have you heard it said that an athlete is “in the zone”? You know exactly what that means. Every athlete wants to get in that zone. When we’re there, we don’t feel any pain. We don’t feel exhaustion. We feel pretty close to unbeatable.
Faith in Who?
King Saul and his son Jonathan faced a life-threatening crisis with the Philistines, but they handled the dilemma in very different ways. Jonathan responded in faith by trusting God in spite of the odds (1 Sm 14:1–14). God came to Jonathan’s aid by sending great confusion into the Philistine camp, and the Israelites were thus enabled to defeat the more powerful Philistine army without a casualty (1 Sm. 14:15–23).
Working for God
Do Not Worry
Do you ever find it hard to sleep at night because your mind is racing and dwelling on things that you have absolutely no control over? I think that we are all prone to struggle and deal with worry. It's probably why Jesus told us not to worry in Matthew 6:25-34. My daughter Amber and I recently led a small group seminar at an FCA summer camp in Kentucky. What really impacted me was how practical this was to the students who attended. We began by asking those who attended our seminar to "Write down one to three things that you worry about on an ongoing basis."
Equipped for Success
Recruiting at the collegiate level is not an exact science. As coaches travel around the country looking for athletes to fill their rosters, they look for players who are not only talented, but who are willing to dedicate and commit themselves to being the best they can possibly be. Likewise, as coaches, we are committing to players to help them become the best they can be. We are promising to equip them for success.
Trial by Fire (Integrity - Chapter 9)
When Laura Wilkinson says she used to be a very quiet and shy person, it’s a little hard to believe. That’s because these days, the outgoing, personable world-class diver is one of sport’s most outspoken Christian athletes.
Wilkinson is also very articulate when it comes to matters of faith. She strives to live with integrity in an effort to maintain solid footing on the broad platform that worldwide notoriety as an Olympic gold medalist has afforded her.
“I’ve had to learn to speak up for God in my life,” Wilkinson says. “I’ve realized that if He has a presence in my heart, He needs to have a presence in everything. If He’s really the center of my life, He’s really going to be involved in everything.”
The Tongue
I was twenty-one years old, and I had just graduated from The Ohio State University, having majored in education. I arrived as a new teacher and coach at River View high school near Warsaw, Ohio, in 1974. There I met Andy Duda, the varsity football coach. I noticed initially that he was a physically strong man, and I learned very soon that he was also spiritually strong. Any player on Andy’s team knew that we acted like men, we worked hard, and we never used profanity. Andy taught those values to his players and modeled them to everyone.
Fancy Footware
Hockey Chat: Oh the skates! A premium fitted boot with a sharp blade can have you moving across the ice with fancy footwork. Try a loose boot with a dull blade. You’re better off playing barefoot. Having a fitted skate gives you peace of mind knowing that you can get where you want to go confidently. If you tell your feet to move, you’ll dig in the ice and make the play.
1 Timothy 1:5
Hockey Chat: A goal on a break away is a sweet play to watch. But even better is when the team works together and through a series of good moves and great passes they get a goal. When all these elements fall into place it makes for a truly good play and tough puck for the goalie to stop. A half-hearted toss at the net is no real challenge for the goaltender.
Matthew 5:27
Hockey Chat: You’ve seen hockey players try to argue there way out of penalties saying that it was just a little hook or they just slashed at the puck not the opponent. They try to minimize the offense. Fact is, when they are called for penalty, it’s a penalty. If they say they just barely hit the guy with their stick, they still are called for slashing. If plead that they just nudged the guy head first into the boards, they still get called for boarding just as if they slammed him. When the ref sees a penalty, regardless of the degree, he calls it.
Don't Defeat Yourselves
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